It has been called Aethionema coridifolium but Apium nodiflorum (fools cress) is it's botanicalname. This cress is one of my favourite salad greens. It's a tasty perennial, a kind of carroty flavour ,very pretty to look at and is quite a hardy plant. Propagates easily from runners but be wary of where you plant it, you can see it here in the foreground in my garden running everywhere even though I tried a border around it originally.
I have now transferred it to this pot which is sunk about 30cm into the ground. This pot does not have a whole and lebanese cress grows quite happily in water, this is in full sun but it grows quite well in shade. This is a valuable plant to have in your garden (or even a tub on a balcony etc) you will have a yummy green all year round.
Sometimes my Lebanese Cress gets a bit too tough to be enjoyable to eat. Any suggestions would be appreciated?