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Monday, 31 October 2011

World Vegan Day

Today is international world vegan day, the beginning of world vegan month. So vegans celebrate & all the critters that are not eaten because of vegans celebrate!

My Sisters Garden

Joy in the Garden!

Very happy to see my sisters garden & it is looking rather gorgeous! Very colourful! I love the gnome on the mushroom, I too have gnomes in my garden will post some pics soon. I think it is imperative to have fun & get creative, gardens are a lovely place to sit & adding your own touch helps one feel very much a part of the garden. It also creates a sense of magic for those wonderful little visitors, never too young to get the gardening bug! 

One awesome chair!!! Soooo inviting.

And the veggie patch is looking so healthy & happy, go Sis you are doing a fabulous job!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Japanese Garden Open
This a link to an ABC blog about Tani Tei En which is part of Australia’s Open Garden Scheme this weekend.I love Japanese gardens and most certainly intend on attending. I am grateful to Diane Kelly from 

Gold Coast Organic Growers for keeping us informed. You can find out more about Gold Coast Organic Growers at

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Recycled Gate

This is my gate into the garden made from an old bit of cane lattice, some bamboo garden stakes & chicken wire. Te right side is attached with some baling twine & I placed an old plastic lid unger the bamboo stake so it actually swings open smoothly! to secur it I have just used a small ocky strap, it may not be too glamorous but it does the job well!

Lebanese Cress ~ Apium nodiflorum

It has been called  Aethionema coridifolium but Apium nodiflorum (fools cress) is it's botanicalname.  This cress is one of my favourite salad greens. It's a tasty perennial, a kind of carroty flavour ,very pretty to look at and is quite a hardy plant. Propagates easily from runners but be wary of where you plant it, you can see it here in the foreground in my garden running everywhere even though I tried a border around it originally.
I have now transferred it to this pot which is sunk about 30cm into the ground. This pot does not have a whole and lebanese cress grows quite happily in water, this is in full sun but it grows quite well in shade. This is a valuable plant to have in your garden (or even a tub on a balcony etc) you will have a yummy green all year round.

Monday, 3 October 2011

The New Section

This is the new section of my netted garden, I haves used rope suspended between two pre-existing gardens. I coved the grass with wet newspaper, the secret is to make sure it is overlapped really well (otherwise grass will pop up through if it moves & leaves a gap. I don't like the newspaper too thick so that it can break down & leave the worms to come to to the surface. I covered the areas to be garden with cane mulch and the paths with wood chips. I have built up the areas around the raspberry & where I plan to plant strawberries with woodchips as berries like acid soil.